Children and Young People Committee
CYP(4)-01-12 Paper 2


Inquiry into the implementation of the Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure 2009


Additional evidence from the National Training Federation Wales


Dear Clare,


Thank you again for the opportunity to present evidence to the Children & Young People Committee’s meeting of 1.12.11.  At that meeting, NTFW were requested to provide additional information regarding our members’ representation on 14-19 networks.  To provide this we asked members three questions which are detailed below, along with a summary of the responses received.  Our membership falls into three broad categories – Independent and not for profit work based learning providers; Further Education College work based learning departments and Local Authority owned work based learning providers.  Reponses have been grouped into these categories to reflect the respective trends.


Questions and Responses received:


1.      Do you represent WBL on any 14-19 group - if so which one?


Independent and not for profit members:Yes 8, NO 63

FE College Work Based Learning DepartmentsYes 0, No 12 (although all stated that the FE side of the college rather than the WBL side of the college were represented well)

Local authority owned providers: Yes 5 No 1


2.      Have you ever been invited to join a 14-19 network curriculum planning group?  If so which one?


Independent and not for profit members: Yes 2 (only invited for one off, bespoke planning groups, often relating to a course they are delivering), No 69

FE College Work Based Learning DepartmentsYes 0, No 12 (although all stated that the FE side of the college rather than the WBL side of the college were represented well)

Local authority owned providers: Yes 4 (although one of these feels the group is not interested in WBL contribution in the meetings), No 2.


3.      Have you ever been invited to actively participate in the 14-19 curriculum planning process?  If so, please give details.


Independent and not for profit members: Yes 8 (1 yes, 2 were only invited as a one off, 2 felt they had indirect influence e.g. visiting 14-19 officer to explain their service provision, 3 not for whole curriculum but planning with a school or 14-19 network for a course they are running for that school) No 63

FE College Work Based Learning Departments:  Yes 2 (1 occasionally as needed to provide vocational input, 1 at the end signing off process, when ANDP presented to strategic network group), No 10 (although all stated that the FE side of the college rather than the WBL side of the college were involved)

Local authority owned providers: Yes 3 (1 indirectly through the work they do with schools, 1 used to attend but felt the curriculum group was too school orientated and that school perception of vocational training is different to WBL provider perception and no link to the workplace, 1 felt the curriculum group is not interested in WBL contribution in the meetings), No 3 ( 1 felt although not invited to contribute to planning, their local 14-19 network’s curriculum did include WBL although there was scope for a greater role with apprenticeships)



If you need further evidence or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Yours sincerely,



Rachel Searle

Regional Provider Network Advocate (South Wales)